Sunday, October 6, 2013

Said by Sheikh us wheat Abdul Sattar us wheat Dahlawi:

MyBuku Kuning Center: * Studi al-Quran [Tafsir Lauhul Mahfouz | Mukjizat | Keajaiban Angka | Herbal | Sumpah | Perumpamaan]; * Islamisasi Science [Tujuh langit | Cosmos | Struktur langit | Bintang | Cluster | Galaksi | Bima sakti | Tata Surya | Matahari | bumi | Bulan | Samudera | Bukit Thur Sinai | Segitiga Bermuda | Bahtera | Tin]; * Sains [Riset | Observasi | Budaya | Peradaban | Bugis]; * Tokoh [Muhammad SAW | Ambo Dalle | Med HATTA]
Disertasi Penulis: "the impact of interpreters Andalusia in Indonesian Thought"
Despite the simplicity of such a translation, but the owner is the first to open the door of interpretation in Indonesian and the owner of the credit it, prompting many scientists later to appropriate in this great work in their desire Report of the Holy Quran and send His guidance to Muslims us wheat and non-Muslims who do not understand Arab, and can not speak.
It is known that the overwhelming majority speaking Balmaliuah Muslims, but most of them do not understand the language of the Koran, nor speak, and perhaps in that work Galilee effective contribution to the protection of the Islamic faith tolerant of Kid enemies of Islam, and in defense of the Holy Quran detects Odhaleil missionaries and Orientalists who baptized to translate the Koran translation stuffed aberrant doctrines and teachings of a corrupt, to show that the Koran for those who did not understand the language in the form of gruesome fending him off and repel him. [3]
Since then multiply translation of the Holy Quran in Indonesian, and the evolution of translation to add some brief explanation of some of the words of the Koran, or the provisions of the footnote or put signs "between brackets and other" from the folds of that translation.
It's that character SUMMARY stepping Join interpretation of the Koran, Indonesia one step further progress the issuance of a number of interpretations of comprehensive and integrated coverage to the statement of the meaning of the verse, and the date of descent and its causes, and the provisions of the rule, and their relationship or suitability verses other addition to the Translation of the Meanings.
In recent times, was issued a new interpretation of the kind of interpretation that you know commentators us wheat Indonesians ancients, which interpretation objective of the Koran, has been offering this school explanatory new Indonesia Dr Muhammad Quraish Shihab, who first earned the highest degree (PhD) in this art of South-East Asia at the University of Al-Azhar in Cairo, and marched walking sign Indonesians us wheat who came after him, and there were many business and literature in the interpretation of this kind ..
And received Sincl science and mysticism in Medina, us wheat and moved to Sumatra and Java and the Malay Peninsula, to be way faster and more widespread in custody before reputation for ways Naqshbandi and Qadiriya, was the most followers and most standing advocacy role in Southeast Asia in those years.
It is a translation us wheat of the Holy Quran to the Malay language - as we said - it modify or adapt to interpret the oval, but it is mostly a literal translation of the book explain Jalalain with additions taken from the oval and interpretations Khazen.
Aridi him, and from Mohammed al-Naqib, and it Issa al-Naqib, and from Ahmad al-Muhajir to God, and from the servants of God, and from Mr. Alawi, and from Mr. Mohammed, and from Mr. Alawi. And from Mr. Ali Qassem خالع, and it
In Medina took Sheikh Mohammed Hanbali preacher, and Egypt took for senior scientists us wheat in his time, In Dagestan taking on Dagestani Sheikh Yusuf, then moved to the Levant and taking senior scientists as well. [13]
Said by Sheikh us wheat Abdul Sattar us wheat Dahlawi: "The Sheikh Mohammed nuclear since the days of study in Mecca and Medina, Egypt and the Levant was known desalinate qualities us wheat of piety and asceticism, us wheat humility and generosity, and it helps the needy and visiting the sick and commonly Funerals and strictly to the word of truth, which is from a young age was not eating whale.] 14]
He died Sheikh Mohammed nuclear benzoin us wheat on 25 Shawwal 1414 AH, corresponding to 1897 at the age of 84 years, at his home people to Mecca, and was buried in the cemetery Buallae near the tomb of Ibn Hajar Asqallaani and girl names Abu Bakr, and Arshad short Altnara Abanntani benzoin, and through the people of Mecca and Medina Indonesia reported missing this great character. [15]
Authored us wheat by: A. Sheikh Mohammed nuclear many books in modern science and assets, grammar, jurisprudence and interpretation, some scientists us wheat believe that the Indonesian literature Sheikh Mohammed benzoin nuclear numbered us wheat 115 author, and some consider it the number 99 the author.
"Has told me some الأعزة I have to write an explanation of the Qur'an Majeed, Fterddt in that a long time for fear of getting into saying: [Who said in the Quran in his opinion, hitting the wrong [20], and saying: Who said in the Quran in his opinion, let him take his place in Hell [21]].
فأجبتهم it to follow advances identify the flag to keep the creatures and not on the actual more, but every time the renewal of the so help me and minors like me and I took it from the conquests of the Divine, and the keys of the unseen, and OS enlightening, and enlighten Almkabbas, and the interpretation of Abu Saud.
That the translation of the Holy Quran in various languages of the world is not impossible, and you

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