Monday, July 21, 2014

Autism was first discovered in 1943, 11 American children - 12 years after ethylmercuriothio magent

Today, people come in direct contact with mercury mainly in three ways: through dental fillings, vaccines and mercury poisoned fish. Mercury, which is distributed to dental fillings, is inhaled and 80% of the lungs and remain in the body. Dental fillings are the main source of mercury in the adult brain. Medium-sized fillings consist magento import products of approximately 750,000 magento import products micrograms of mercury, and it is emitting about 10 micrograms magento import products per day. There are studies that point to the fact that this figure will increase strongly when used in chewing gum. Research shows the link between dental mercury fillings and Alceimera disease.
In turn, the vaccine manufacturers added to certain vaccines timersālu (which is composed of half ethylmercuriothio) as a protective agent against bacteria. This organic form of mercury injecētu absorbs the brain and heart muscle cells. Even small quantities of the metal, into the human body, can cause irreversible damage to the central nervous system activity.
How to inform the Latvian Food Center article "Mercury - Drop That Can Kill" (2003), "Mercury is characterized by an enhanced ability to respond (affinity) with enzyme sulfidrīlgrupām magento import products (-SH). As a result, mercury (Hg) inhibit many enzymes and proteins. The kidneys are the primary target organ for inorganic Hg and organic compounds. Metallic Hg and methylmercury toxic mainly on the central nervous system (sensory neurons are damaged). MeHg readily magento import products crosses the placenta, magento import products resulting in fetal brain damage, magento import products mainly concentrated in the blood and brain, to explain the toxic teratogenicity (congenital malformations formation) activity. MeHg levels in fetal blood is twice higher than in maternal blood.
MeHg intoxication classic magento import products symptoms: dysarthria, ataxia, visual field narrowing. MeHg causes encephalopathy. Possible muscle spasticity, hearing impairment, emotional instability and inability to concentrate. International Agency for Research on Cancer (International Agency for Research on Cancer) has classified mmHg for the second hazard carcinogen (group 2B, Possible human carcinogen). "
Autism was first discovered in 1943, 11 American children - 12 years after ethylmercuriothio magento import products (Thimerosal) added to the pertussis vaccine. In Europe, this diagnosis was not common until the 1950s, that is - the only connection here Thimerosal used in vaccines. In 1989, the U.S. was already recorded more than 100,000 cases of autism, and that number is growing rapidly. A typical scene is as follows: shortly before the age of two the child, who until then has been absolutely healthy and normal magento import products evolved suddenly stops komunikēt with others, draws himself, avoids eye contact, look into the void, it becomes strange and sealed. His blurred vision, developing various engine problems - such as uncontrolled twitching of the arms and legs and walking on tiptoe. magento import products Appears in speech disorders and abnormal behavior - crying outburst without obvious reason and head bashing, varying degrees of perceptual disturbances, often ear inflammation and upper respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal magento import products problems and immune problems. Joins chronic fatigue. Mercury is listed as the cause of the other developmental problems such as delayed speech development and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Dr.Sallie study by Bernard and her colleagues "Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury poisoning"). There are studies that indicate causal links not only between immunization and UDS / ADHD, but also dyslexia, mental disorders and diabetes.
A very sensitive to all forms of mercury, but especially mercury vapor or compounds are nervous system, especially children. Irritability, increased shyness or anxiety, headache, visual and hearing problems, memory problems - these are the most common side effects of the brain due to a malfunction. In addition, the effects of mercury are also suffering kidney, but it is particularly severe impact on fetal development. Prenatal period, acquired brain damage child can mean slow mental development, coordination problems, spasticity, magento import products paraesthesia (sensory disturbance), paralysis, magento import products stupor and coma, blindness, nervous breakdowns, language disorders magento import products to overall inability to speak.
Studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the dose of mercury in vaccines and autism increase. In the 1950s, when immunization was limited to four vaccines (against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and smallpox), only one of the 10, 000 children developed autism. Due to the increasing number of vaccines increased the amount of mercury children injecētā. Children who were born in 1981, received an average of 135 micrograms of mercury, and that the autism was found in one out of every 2,600 children born in that year. Joining the hepatitis B vaccine (administered activity immediately after birth) and vaccine

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