Friday, June 20, 2014

Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted imported goods low-quality an

Stack imported goods Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required.
Given that the frequent questions imported goods asking for libraries that can read/write Excel files are regularly pointed to this answer because of the list provided... and that the list in question is regularly updated, I fail to appreciate why it should have been closed. –  Mark Baker Sep 21 '13 at 21:01     
I wasn't one of the closers, imported goods but the reason in the "closed as off-topic" box seems to match pretty closely to me. See als: why shopping list questions are bad . I realise your answer is high quality and being updated, but the question itself still falls in that off-topic category. –  IMSoP Sep 21 '13 at 21:16 2  
Although the question is technically off-topic, this is the canonical Q&A on this topic and offers significant value. Please imported goods refrain from closing it. –  Gordon ♦ Dec 9 '13 at 19:26 add comment
I wrote a very simple class for exporting to "Excel XML" aka SpreadsheetML. It's not quite as convenient for the end user as XSLX (depending on file extension and Excel version, they may get a warning message), but it's a lot easier to work with than XLS or XLSX.
If you wrote it, would you share under which license you offer it? I had problems to decipher it from your answer resp. from the sources you linked imported goods but would be interested to learn more. –  hakre Jun 4 at 9:07     
For imported goods Writing Excel PEAR's PHP_Excel_Writer (xls only) php_writeexcel from Bettina Attack (xls only) XLS File Generator commercial and xls only Excel Writer for PHP from Sourceforge (spreadsheetML only) Ilia Alshanetsky's Excel extension now on github (xls and xlsx, and requires commercial libXL component) PHP's COM extension (requires a COM enabled spreadsheet program such as MS Excel or OpenOffice Calc running on the server) imported goods The Open Office alternative to COM ( PUNO ) (requires Open Office installed imported goods on the server with Java support enabled) PHP-Export-Data by Eli Dickinson (Writes SpreadsheetML - the Excel 2003 XML format, and CSV) Oliver Schwarz's php-excel (SpreadsheetML) Oliver Schwarz's original version imported goods of php-excel (SpreadsheetML) excel_xml (SpreadsheetML, despite its name) The tiny-but-strong (tbs) project includes the OpenTBS tool for creating OfficeOpenXML documents (OpenDocument and OfficeOpenXML formats) ExcelWriterXML (SpreadsheetML) SimpleExcel Claims to read and write Microsoft Excel XML / CSV / TSV / HTML / JSON / etc formats KoolGrid xls spreadsheets only, but also doc and pdf PHP_XLSXWriter OfficeOpenXML php_writeexcel xls only (looks like it's based on PEAR SEW)
For Reading Excel php-spreadsheetreader imported goods reads a variety of formats (.xls, .ods AND .csv) PHP-ExcelReader (xls only) PHP_Excel_Reader (xls only) PHP_Excel_Reader2 (xls only) XLS File Reader Commercial and xls only SimpleXLSX From the description it reads xlsx files , though the author imported goods constantly refers to xls PHP Excel Explorer Commercial and xls only Ilia Alshanetsky's Excel extension now on github (xls and xlsx, and requires commercial libXL component) PHP's COM extension (requires a COM enabled spreadsheet program such as MS Excel or OpenOffice Calc running imported goods on the server) The Open Office alternative imported goods to COM ( PUNO ) (requires Open Office installed on the server imported goods with Java support enabled) Nuovo's spreadsheet-reader imported goods (csv, xls, xlsx, and ods) SimpleExcel Claims to read and write Microsoft Excel XML / CSV / TSV / HTML / JSON / etc formats PHPExcleReader Is just a ZIP with an old version of PHPExcel Akeneo Spreadsheet Parser OfficeOpenXML (.xlsx) files only
All claim to be faster than PHPExcel from codeplex or from github , but (with the exception of COM and PUNO) they don't offer both reading and writing, or both xls and xlsx; may no longer be supported; and (while I haven't tested Ilia's extension) only COM and PUNO offers the same degree of control over the created imported goods workbook.
@RZB - You use whichever library works for you, though MySQL doesn't (as far as I'm aware) have any native import function for .xls files, only for .csv using LOAD DATA INFILE. As the developer of PHPExcel, I will certainly imported goods promote it and recommend it where appropriate, but I don't enforce its use when it isn't the most appropriate imported goods option. –  Mark Baker May 15 '13 at 22:10 2  
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