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After two weeks in Croatia, Miroslav Šimudvarac returned to Dusseldorf satisfied. And how could he not, when he succeeded in his plan - made a very good promotion of your company, did a multitude of job interviews with candidates and will probably his "trip" result in several new employees who will be moving to Germany. But how did it come about that the centroids his company wants to hire such a large number of local developers, and why those who specialize in the Android operating system? This Vukovar native knows where to find a good work force - in Croatia, mainly in the last years of technical college, so it is not surprising that his company centroids, dedicated exclusively to developing Android applications for the second year participating in the job fair, organized by the Association of FER and KSET, but also on the App Start Contest, whose gold sponsor and jury members. App Contest Start the student competition in programming applications, so it is fertile ground for finding potential employees, as well as the Job Fair, where the centroids was one of the few foreign companies that are represented. Miroslav admits that their booth was very well attended, which may be enhanced by the fact that the visitors could play with Oculus Rift, but the crucial role that certainly had an interesting offer that this company news from brazil offers future employees.
No wonder it is Miroslav during our talks received a large amount of information on your mobile, whether it's about the calls, SMS's, news from brazil emails news from brazil or social networks - admits that these days extinguished not only tones, but also notice the vibration, because device otherwise would not have ceased to vibrate. In fact, at this time seeking employees for Germany and possibly the Netherlands, in Amsterdam, where they have a great need for developers to be able to work on large projects. Now centroids has about 20 employees, and are looking to hire 30 to 40 people in the next 12 months. We plan to open an office in Zagreb - it is possible that the centroids buy some local startup, with its existing infrastructure, which is made in Amsterdam, or will establish its own office and "build" it from scratch. Android, Android, Android only
It is interesting to you centroids focuses exclusively on developing applications for the Android operating system. There is svaštarenja on various systems and platforms, and Miroslav happy and reveals why they chose this approach:
If you want to be really good at something, you have to specialize. news from brazil When I see a restaurant offering Croatian, Chinese and Italian food, I know that none of that would be great. But if someone offers specialties only one region, then I am convinced that this is something special, that someone is invested in your soul. So with Android news from brazil - we specialize in it, we follow all the time what is going on around the operating system, and, believe me, we receive great changes.
Miroslav love for Android goes back to the very beginnings of this operating system. But even in 2001. Founded in Germany in his first company, Simvelop. He did it earlier that there were no laws that have impeded him - though news from brazil he was not "out of there." But the stranger has managed to open a business, thanks to reports from the media that Germany will soon disappear IT professionals, and helped and the then Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said he would be "imported" 20,000 Indians. The first is his company dealt with by providing training courses for Java, and the 2005th have developed a biometric system for time and attendance. For that it was up to the 2008th, including news from brazil the 2009th year, and just at that time the market came first Android devices. Miroslav immediately obtained one of them, i1, which he admits, delighted. Of course, now it is joined to the laptop, removed the first SDK (Software Developer Kit) and made the first application - that worked. It was extremely easy and quick start. I've worked with have similar systems, but the first time I felt the same on a mobile device. At that time the laptops were huge and too heavy, and now appeared small powerful device with a capacitive screen, full graphics. This brought me so much enthusiasm that I decided to shift its focus entirely on Android.
Thus was born centroids, who quickly came to the first client, and then to the first major clients such as Vodafone. Among the first employees there were already people from the Croatian, who have met with him and the situation in our country, and promotional activities, such as job fair, z
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