Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Shams Qais, theorist and literary scholar and author of books of poetry in the Middle Ages, a work

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He received the award, the twenty-fifth day of August arrived and the airport Budapest Franz Liszt Shatvvyz beautiful hotel next to Lake Balaton, the largest freshwater paradox beer company lake in Europe, went to rest for a few days before the award ceremony.
Ms. Farzaneh Milani, silvery friend and translator, paradox beer company whose 103 pieces of his poems have been translated into English, he had heard the news Brndhshdn, before America paradox beer company came to Hungary during the ceremony with the poet.
Ms. Milani, the conversation reminded Simin Behbehani poet who worked more than 70 years in the fields paradox beer company of poetry, literature and art for the heavy cost and the science does not have power, by and with dignity Stayshangyz sold his dear life has passed.
Ms. Behbehani and fellow writer and Sharsh from several other countries, on Wednesday, August 28, the city of Pecs visited and attended the feast in honor of the poet and bishop's palace, Hungary, paradox beer company was held in the Middle Ages. The banquet speech was delivered to the praise and honor of Lady lyrics.
Mr. Juliet Powwow Mayor patch, many Hungarian poets, President of the Academy of Arts, Vice President of the Academy of Sciences, Professor of Iranian Studies Atvvsh Lvrand University School of Language and Literature, poetry translators silver to Hungarian and Hungarian officials were there.
According to the mayor, the city bus bars and cultural encounters and academic center. Within a few meters of the award, the cathedral and ancient Christian holy places to see, that it is located under the tomb of Bishop János. The church is one of the world's cultural heritage has been registered since 2000.
Mr Mayor stressed the importance paradox beer company of the position Panvnyvsh, bishop and poet of Hungary, said that humanism and his role in his time more than they think and why holding a ceremony to name the survival of the name of his role. Patrolling
In honor of the great Iranian poet said: "The happy hour is difficult to find words for praise. paradox beer company Current language paradox beer company of classical Persian poetry stems Millennium. I mean, not only in the form of poetry, but also the role that poetry of the mid-tenth century, Iran has played in creating national identity and social cohesion. In other words, poetry for speaking Thqqbkhsh ideals shaper of both past and his ideas are considered and as such they had the utmost importance.
Now, inspired by the poetry of the Blessed be added that a special role in connecting people with each other as well. Persian Shrkhn the proposed nearly a thousand years, it is still a wonderful way to survive is all Iranians, regardless of their education and reading poetry to understand its meaning. "
Shams Qais, theorist and literary scholar and author of books of poetry in the Middle Ages, a work that remained after the Mongol invasion, said: "The word prosody and syntax of the language is poetic prose." He then adds: "poetry Just like language should be simple and elegant prose.
I am now old and classic paradox beer company quote from this source is not without reason. Simin Behbehani, a poet of modern innovation, the past without ignoring Byngard criteria. He used the old forms, but the subtleties introduced him Brmyavrnd that is new or rare poetry.
Sharhay featured in this day we have gathered paradox beer company here to pay tribute to the Karayyash has discretion in classical prosody. He somehow follow this tradition, but all it means is reducing. Innovations can easily get all the time, because they realized within the framework of classical lyric changes in its form and content of the poems that instead of its own. However, when I look at him in Hungarian translations of really successful Myandazym, here's what you have already explained, is clear and comprehensible. The four of poetry "songs" reminds us Dvbytyhay Mrkhyam pockets, but it's quite different Chharparhhay Simin:
Simin Behbehani, because for us the greatest Persian poet whose poems are true and tender paradox beer company and passionate expression of his experiences and sufferings. "
The speech ended with audience applause, and then turn the speech of former Minister of Culture, Mr. Geza switch that gave statements as follows: "Dear Mrs. artist, Mr. Mayor, Head of the Academy of Arts, fellow poets, sponsors and attendees deserve Ladies and Gentlemen!
We have heard messages on the walls of thousands of years, catacombs and tombs of the ancient ruins of one of the oldest universities in the world and the former cathedral, the city and surrounding civilizations that have been placed on the integration of cultural treasures and spirit, of the comprehensive and unique treasures that are

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