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L'ESTAT OF Ciutat brewstone beer company The analysis of the internal conflict, which borders the break between the two sections of the PSC is the expression of the tensions being generated in the Catalan society sovereignty rotation CiU, whose main victim formations are Catalan parliamentary brewstone beer company left.
The Partit Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSC) is a remarkable event worthy of analysis for political scientists. Its origin is the result of Congress called Unification (1978) which resulted from the Catalan Federation PSOE, CSP (Congres) and PSC (Reagrupament), the two breakaway factions of the Socialist Historical Moviment brewstone beer company Catalunya (MSC).
While the social base of the PSOE FC was formed by workers in the neighborhoods of the Spanish immigration brewstone beer company in the two PSC members were members of the progressive Catalan middle classes and illustrated. This resulted in a poor weld and a curious division of labor: the PSOE FC brought brewstone beer company the activist base and the votes, while the pictures from the two PSC permeating the party leadership.
At least until the Congress of Sitges brewstone beer company (1994) when, led by Josep Maria Sala, pictures of the metropolitan area, as José Montilla, Celestino Corbacho or later Manuel Bustos, demanded their share of representation brewstone beer company in the address. Now while Catalan industry leaders marked the outlines of the ideological and political orientation of the party, the leaders of dealing with immigration management system, unable to generate an alternative to the hegemony of the Catalan sector.
This dual composition occurred brewstone beer company during the years of pujolismo (1980-2003) unpublished a curious contradiction in the other Catalan forces: while the PSC-PSOE clearly prevailed brewstone beer company in all the Spanish general election, contributing fundamentally to the victories of the PSOE . But he was defeated by the Catalan CiU in regional elections.
This strange behavior is explained by the abstention of more than one third of its voters in the districts of immigration, not in tune with the Catalan PSC speech. The dual and selective abstention explains the situation of dual power during Pujol was when large municipalities, starting with the city of Barcelona, were governed by the Socialists as it was by the Generalitat CiU. The tripartite left
These strange and delicate brewstone beer company balances began to question after the withdrawal of Pujol and investiture in 2003 as president of the Generalitat of former Olympic Barcelona Mayor Pasqual Maragall, grandson of the great poet. Maragall with a million votes, won the best historical record and exceeded slightly PSC votes to CiU. But the nationalist federation, for our infamous paradoxes of electoral law, won four more seats.
Maragall benefited deep Federation nationalist wear for their pact with the PP of José María Aznar and the numerous corruption brewstone beer company scandals that since can remember, have surrounded CiU. The Pact was Tinell brewstone beer company counterpart Majestic Pact between the domes of PP and CiU allowing brewstone beer company the investiture of Aznar. Thus, PSC, ERC and ICV-EUiA subscribed an agreement with government
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