These guys are so freaking funny I can barely restrain myself: The private messages that linked cexgan Governor Christie s office to lane closures at the George Washington Bridge also contain jokes about causing traffic problems at the home of a New Jersey cexgan rabbi associated with the Port Authority, newly released documents show. [...] [Former Christie Port Authority aide David] Wildstein sent [former Christie deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne] Kelly a picture of Rabbi Mendy Carlebach, later writing: And he has officially pissed me off.
Perfect, Kelly wrote. It's not entirely clear what motivated cexgan the texts. Rabbi Carlebach appears to be a Republican; the photograph sent by Wildstein featured Carlebach and House Speaker John Boehner, and the rabbi delivered prayers at both the 2004 and 2008 Republican National Conventions.
Whatever the motivation, however, the texts underscore the fact that senior officials of the Christie administration viewed their ability to cause "traffic problems" as a source of power and influence. Even if you believe that Chris Christie was somehow unaware that he had such terrible people working for him, at a minimum it still leaves the question unanswered: How on Earth could he be so clueless about what his administration was up to?
Personally, I find it impossible to believe that Christie had no idea what was going on. These emails suggest that bullying was at the core of the culture in Christie's office, which isn't surprising given his approach to human interaction. And let's not forget that the press started asking questions about the lane closures in September it wasn't until January, after weeks of denying complicity that Christie finally conceded that his administration had been up to no good. In those intervening months, Christie did nothing to investigate cexgan what had happened, even though it was obviously that this wasn't an issue that wouldn't disappear without a full accounting of what transpired. And the most logical explanation for his lack of investigation is simple: He already knew.
Use a person's full name, without any title. Senator Obama may become President Obama, and Michelle Obama might run for office.
If your diary covers an election or elected official, cexgan use election tags, which are generally the state abbreviation followed by the office. CA-01 is the first district House seat. CA-Sen covers both senate races. NY-GOV covers the New York governor's race.
Recommended by: fcvaguy , skillet , hester , TomP , Aunt Pat , wdrath , dog in va , a2nite , CenPhx cexgan , JamieG from Md , Orlaine , Caddis Fly , cybersaur , gramofsam1 , Matt Z , historys mysteries , Eman , amsterdam , imicon , Aaa T Tudeattack , thomask , northerntier , 313to212 , hwmnbn , FindingMyVoice , Rosaura , leonard145b , Heart of the Rockies , Rashaverak , live1 , Amber6541 , anna shane , Pinto Pony , howabout , stlsophos , mungley , ratcityreprobate , eru , shoeless , Skyye , TofG , myboo , TheGreatLeapForward , TKO333 , janicegwashington , hepette , jayden , BlackSheep1 , ericlewis0 , Caniac41 , bobatkinson cexgan , trivium , AnnetteK cexgan , Rosalie907 , Ravenstream , defluxion10 , flavor411 , enhydra lutris , BachFan , novapsyche cexgan , Dodgerdog1 , JVolvo , commonmass , stone clearing , agiftagain , Sharon Wraight , whybaby , Janet 707 , rmx2630 , cececville , HCKAD , kaliope , skybluewater , Ninepatch , George3 , SphericalXS , FDRfan , Loose Fur
Recommended by: crystal eyes , Aunt Pat , a2nite , CenPhx , annieli , Orlaine , Matt Z , historys mysteries , thomask , hwmnbn , anna shane , Pinto Pony , J V Calin , TofG , ericlewis0 , Rosalie907 , JVolvo , skybluewater
by quaoar on Thu Feb 27, 2014 at 08:58:25 AM PST
Roosevelt did not resign after signing the order ( 1+ / 0- )
for the interment of the Japanese in WWII. Truman dropped the Bomb on civilians. Obama gives regular orders resulting in the killing women and kids with drones. No resignations there.
For three, that would be in the interest of the National cexgan Republican Party and he refuses ..yetta yetta .
(with the loss of immunity for crimes committed in office) and likely would have spent years or decades in prison as a result. frankly i fail to see how completely marginalizing nixons supporters politically would be a bad thing,.
Bottom line. Thinking he will resign is pipe dreaming. You don't understand this guy. I live in NJ. He's a prototypical cexgan NJ hard ass. I see him all of the the time, for work related reasons. He could care less what they say about him on the news.
You mean this one? ( 0+ / 0- )
by polecat on Thu Feb 27, 2014 at 11:18:38 AM PST
that's the only low bar they have in Jersey, doesn't take so much to impeach. But no hurry, that would stop the investigation and the real purpose is to expose and reform the Port Authority and that will take lots of investigation, heh heh.
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